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Fall Decorating and Cleanup Ideas for Your Home

September 21, 2015

Real Estate

Fall Decorating and Cleanup Ideas for Your Home


Wednesday, September 23rd, is the first day of Fall already. That’s a good time to think about your Fall decorating and cleanup needs. If your home is up for sale, remember that curb appeal and home staging are still the shortest route to a home sale.

Fall DecoratingFall Decorating and Cleanup Ideas, Sonja Bush

• First rule of thumb, don’t clutter it up! Just because the seasons are changing, doesn’t mean it’s your hall pass to pull out every seasonal decorating item you own. Keep things minimal and clean. Add color.
• Change up rugs, add colorful candles, and add a door wreath. Whatever you do, keep it simple. Little changes can make a huge difference in the feel of your home as the seasons change.
• Pick a color palette and sprinkle it throughout your home. Use it in fabrics, fresh flower designs, or a fresh coat of paint.

While visuals are the most obvious changes to make, don’t forget the other senses…cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and pumpkin scents can go a long way to making your home feel welcoming. What about a soft lap blanket across the ottoman.

Don’t forget to consider opening the windows to clear out the old, stale air conditioned air from the hot days of summer and letting in the fresh, crisp fall air.

Fall Cleanup

• Clear the yard, walkways and gutters of leaves and debris. If wet leaves are left on walkways they can create a slip hazard for people who might be visiting your home.
• Plant seasonal flowers or place pumpkins along the porch and walkway.
• Add plenty of lighting at the front entryway and interior of your home; open blinds and curtains to let in natural light.

You can always bake some pumpkin cookies, or an apple cinnamon pie to sweeten the deal!

If you’re ready to sell your home, contact Sonja Bush by email at [email protected] or call her at 661-979-9000 to list your home today.


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